Friday, March 31, 2017

Welcome to the world Kaeleigh!

Kirsten and I are extremely happy to announce that Kaeleigh has arrived. She is 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 19 inches tall.

Kaeleigh's arrival is quite the story. Kirsten was supposes to be induced in early April and since Jaedon had to be induced we just expected Kaeleigh would as well. Wow, were we wrong!  Instead Kirsten started feeling some contractions a week early.  Not being familiar with early contracts she thought it was Braxton Hicks. She texted me around 3pm letting me know what was happening but she is okay. Kirsten texted me again around 4:45 letting me know she is still have contractions so keep my phone near since I had planned to go to dinner with my buddy Mike visiting from Atlanta.. 

While I drove to pick up Mike I decided to call and check in on Kirsten.  During the call I could tell it was more than just early contractions. Her breathing was labored and she was having a little bit of a hard time talking. I told Kirsten I'm coming home now and I will call right back after letting Mike know I had to cancel our dinner plans.  When I called Kirsten back a few minutes later the contractions were much stronger. Kirsten could barely talk and I could hear Jaedon in the background was very upset and worried about Mommy.  I was able to talk to Jaedon and let him know I was coming home and they he needed to be strong and help Mommy with anything she needed. As traumatic the situation was for anybody, Jaedon handled it like a pro!  I'm so proud of our little 4 year old.

After talking with Jaedon I had him hand the phone back to Mommy. Once Kirsten was on the phone I told her to hang up and call 911. I knew I was at least 30 minutes away since it was rush hour (5pm) in Redmond.  She didn't say anything and just hung up.  I was extremely worried as I had no idea what was happening.

I tried calling anybody I know to help out. I was able to reach Kirsten's good friend Becky who was able to over there quickly and help with Jaedon. Thank you Becky!!!

Then 5 minutes later a Ring Doorbell notification popped up on my phone.  I could see the Fire Department arrived and I instantly felt some relief. 

Still 25+ minute away I decided to leave the Ring Doorbell app open on my phone so I can watch how things are going (traffic was really slow so I wasn't being too dangerous). After some time I saw them transfer Kirsten into the ambulance.  At that point I got a bit nervous again as I didn't know where they were going to take her.  Luckily they were still there when I arrived.

I went directly to Kirsten in the ambulance to check in on her. She said everything is okay and that she was sorry (for what I had no idea).  She asked how was Jaedon. So I went into the house see Jaedon. He was happy playing with Becky and one of the Firemen.  After giving him a big hug I went back to Kirsten. When I got there another one of the Firemen asked if I wanted to cut the cord?  I was like what? I found out that Kaeleigh was actually born a few minutes before I arrived. She was quiet as they were checking her lungs and giving her oxygen to make sure everything was okay as she pooped in the womb like her brother.

I jump inside the ambulance and cut the cord, which was an amazing experience in itself.  Kirsten and Kaeleigh then headed over to Evergreen hospital for the next few nights.  Jaedon and I visited several times and then after the two days we took Kaeleigh home. She is a very happy and loving baby!